Why The Structural Mechanics Engineer Role Breaks Bottlenecks
In today’s ever-changing digital climate, it seems like almost every product has a cloud-based option in order to access data from anywhere, on any device. You’ve heard from us how easy it is to connect your SOLIDWORKS install to the cloud-based 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, or how Lean Team Player can help facilitate virtual meetings, but let’s talk Structural Mechanics Engineer role on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform for Simulation for a second. Traditionally, the Simulation process in SOLIDWORKS has been bottlenecked in a couple of places:
- Simulation hardware is expensive to purchase and maintain.
- Simulation data sets are usually very large and cumbersome to deal with in a PDM environment.
- Moving data between machines or users takes significant network bandwidth.
- Some Simulation problems are difficult for desktop products to handle, such as high energy impact problems or highly non-linear problems.
The Structural Mechanics Engineer role on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform breaks through all of these bottlenecks at once and allows for unparalleled speed and efficiency when collaborating between users. This role allows users to seamlessly integrate their existing SOLIDWORKS data and upload it to the Platform (if it’s not already up there) and set up complex simulations with ease. The workflow is exactly the same as it would be with the traditional desktop products, but once the simulation is ready for execution is where the SME role really shines. You can specify that the solution be executed on the cloud, no expensive hardware necessary! The results are automatically stored on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform as well so no cumbersome data sets weigh down your machine, plus you can access and view the results anywhere you have an internet connection.

Because the Structural Mechanics Engineer solver is built on world-class Abaqus technology from SIMULIA, a whole new class of problems has opened up for us to solve. Explicit Dynamics problems that would take hours to converge, like this door crash are no problem for the Explicit solver!

Complex contacts and non-linear buckling behavior are also a breeze for this technology!

If you’re interested in the power of Structural Mechanics Engineer, please contact us today! Special thanks to Omar Zohni and Ramesh Lakshmipathy from SOLIDWORKS Corp. for providing these examples.