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Common IT Struggles That All Industries Face: Solutions Found in the Cloud - CADimensions

Written by CADimensions | Aug 31, 2023 6:34:41 PM

One of the challenges that most organizations face today is technology, whether it is keeping up with rapid technological change or finding ways to store massive amounts of data. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t prioritize IT, and one problem leaks into another.

Let’s dive into a few common IT problems across all industries and the cost savings associated with reducing complex infrastructure with cloud tools.

Data Security, Loss, and Recovery

Did you know that losing just 100 files could cost a company between $18,000 to $35,730? Data is lost every day, and it happens due to:

Additionally, a 2016 report by Protiviti revealed that 2/3rds of IT professionals face information security challenges at their organizations. This is an overhead cost that heavily fluctuates depending on the level of data you are dealing with.

Hosting your data in the cloud safeguards against all of the above—even cyber attacks. Cloud software comes with layers upon layers of security and allows companies to store data free from the worry of power outages and hardware failure or damage.

Server Costs and Maintenance

If your business needs server and hosting capabilities, you’re no stranger to the costs associated with servers and hosting. It can total anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 to set up the servers you need, not including routine maintenance.

On top of this, getting the proper hardware is a challenge with today’s supply chain issues and shortage of tech-based hardware components. The cloud helps mitigate those hefty overhead and maintenance costs.

Lack of Automation

Automation is key to saving time and increasing productivity in the workplace, which means a lack of automation is a problem, and no industry is immune to the struggles that tag along. Using cloud-based software that has automation already integrated will keep your team on track, saving resources in the form of time.

Outdated IT Infrastructure

Keeping up with rapid technological change means continually updating your IT infrastructure and accompanying devices. However, many businesses fall behind in this area and use outdated equipment and software. Budget restraints, tech complexity, and lack of know-how prevent many companies from upgrading.

However, outdated IT infrastructure could cost your business not only money but also time and resources, as outlined by the Phoenix Business Journal. Making simple cloud-based software upgrades will improve your business all the way around.

Move Your Business to the Cloud With 3DEXPERIENCE

With just one single platform, you can bring all aspects of your company to the cloud and enhance your data security while also boosting team collaboration. The 3DEXPERIENCE Platform is an all-in-one cloud solution that is merely a backbone to build upon. You customize the platform to work with the tools you love and enhance the processes you run every day. Dive deeper into the security provided by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.